God bless you saints,
I give thanks to God for a successful removal of metal plates from my right leg tibia. I thank God for His enabling and healing hands. God bless you all richly .
Miringu James

God bless you saints!
We would like to express our deepest gratitude to you all.
To our Pastor Obadiah for guidance, brother James Maina for the wonderful sermon, the deacons, trustees and all the believers who stood with us and who graced our wedding ceremony yesterday.
We are overwhelmed by your love. We don’t have enough words to express our appreciation. All we say is, God bless you abundantly and meet you at your points of need!
From Bro & Sis Mesharck Terence

It is with heartfelt gratitude that I come with a positive attitude to appreciate your prayers for my mum’s healing
She has greatly improved after discharge and we believe for God’s total deliverance to take charge.
May God bless you richly and meet your needs according to His riches in glory.
Sister Ruth Ratugi

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