Our believe

We are a ministry that wholly embraces as its absolute the Message of the Bible as presented by Rev. William Marrion Branham..

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Around the mid 1970’s and at the peak of the Pentecostal movement in Kenya, the Message of the Hour by William Marrion Branham found its way into our country.

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The Pastor

Since 1976, the assembly has been shepherded by Pastor Obadiah Kamwati.

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Young Foundations

Proverbs 22:6 “Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.”

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“Don’t follow what man said. Follow what God said, and there you find the Comforter.”

— William Marrion Branham

About us

  • We are a ministry that wholly embraces as its absolute the Message of the Bible as presented by Rev. William Marrion Branham. We truly believe that the Message and undoubtedly the Scriptural and Godly Ministry of Rev. Branham was the fulfilment of prophecy according to Malachi 4:5-6, Revelation 10:7 and Luke 17:30 among other scriptures pertaining to the end time and the calling out of the Bride of Christ for the Rapture.
  • We claim ‘no creed but Christ, no law but Love and no book but the Bible’. Our Guiding theme is ‘Conversion for the Rapture’. Our ministry is unashamed to have no message of its own, but we are happy to only echo what God has already said through His Prophet, William Marrion Branham.We are one very happy lot when the True Word of God is spoken, and we welcome all to join us in the Feast.

Our Pastor